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LIMITED OFFER! Membership now just £44 or £69 for couples. 

Unlimited sessions and amazing members perks.

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LIMITED OFFER! Membership now just £44 or £69 for couples. 

Unlimited sessions and amazing members perks.

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New at Yoga in the Stars 

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Meet Ebba Nalini Adhiti your guide and yoga teacher

"I would be honoured to be a part of your journey into motherhood. Pregnancy & Motherhood is probably one of the biggest roller coaster rides of a life time. There is a ton of changes we go through during pregnancy, all excitement, worry, ultrasounds, birth preparation, your body, relationships, work, nesting, hormones, mind and another spirit coming through! Wow! We are all different, some women feel the sexiest, feminine goddess-like they ever felt and some feel like they are going through a 9 months hangover to a party they never went to… Whatever the case, I greet you into my pregnancy classes, a warm soft bubble of feminine energy where we can nourish ourselves and connect with our growing babies."

My pregnancy classes are often like this:

ARRIVE & GROUND have a tea, tune in with your baby.

SUPPORTIVE CIRCLE with fellow mama’s how everyone is feeling this week, Ups & Downs.

WARM UP including strength building exercises (Pilates-inspired) 

YOGA Sequence with different theme every week.

WIND DOWN stretch out/mantra/birth preparation breath

YOGA NIDRA & SACRED SOUND Total body relaxation.

New at Yoga in the Stars

Enter your details to register for Prenatal Classes with Ebba and GET FIRST SESSION FREE

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